Punjabi actress Surveen Chawla who has done many TV shows, Punjabi movies and also appeared in the movie Hate Story 2 revealed the heart breaking news for her fans that she is married since 2015. 33 year old Suveen Chawla’s husband is Akshay Thakkar and he is a businessman. Today morning, Surveen Chawla had posted a picture on her instagram account in which she is seen dancing with her secret life partner, photo has a caption: “And just like that, right in the middle of an extra-ordinary life, love gave us a fairy tale… #Married #bliss #EternalLove #GiveUsYourLove&Blessings.”
Surveen Chawla met Akshay Thakker through a common friend in 2013, while they had exchanged vows with each other on July 28, 2015 in Northern Italy. You must be remembering the secret marriage of Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma that also held in the same country. Well surprisingly it is very amazing to observe stars that how they successfully managed to keep their marital status under wraps for so long.