2017 is nearly done. And I need to ask you 5 quick questions related to how you lived out this year:
Q1. Did you rock your craft and own your field?
Q2. Did you raise your energy, vitality and longevity?
Q3. Did you accelerate your prosperity and live with unusual abundance?
Q4. Did you surround yourself purely with “energy fuellers” and zero “happiness stealers”?
Q5. Did you make 2017 the single greatest year of your life yet?
If you answered “yes” to my questions, I seriously applaud you. I’ll share some practical insights below that will help you elevate your momentum and inspirational fire.
If you answered “no”, then don’t worry. 2018 is your fresh opportunity to make the self-optimizations.
#1. Do Your Stop Doing List
So many among us do lists of resolutions and charts of goals. My suggestion to you is that, even more importantly, do a list of things you will no longer participate in: A Stop Doing List.
Strip out all the bad habits, time wasters and unhealthy pursuits you’ve allowed into your personal universe and you’re left with a gorgeous life rich with creativity, productivity and contributions to humanity.
Ideas for your Stop Doing List include:
–stop making excuses for what’s not working in your life. You created the situation and you can create your way out of it. Be not a victim in 2018.
–stop spending your brilliance and highest potential playing games on your phone.
–stop complaining and reset your focus on all your blessings, gifts and opportunities.
#2. Script a 2018 Hero Book
Great Hollywood screenwriters write their endings first. So should you.
Go invest in a journal [not that I’m so special—I’m not—but downloading my learnings, insights and gratitudes in my journal for between one to three hours a day has been my consistent practice for 20+years; it has transformed my core and saved my life].
Then, before 2017 finishes, fill the journal with your life script declaring, in as much detail as possible, how you wish 2018 to unfold. I suggest you use my 8 Forms of Wealth framework and write about your intentions and aspirations in the following main areas that I believe all must be nourished daily for a world-class life [money is just one metric of true wealth, I believe you’ll agree].
1. Personal mastery
2. Health and vitality
3. Family and friendships
4. Craft and career
#3. Forgive the Unforgiven
Few things drain your fire and destroy your gifts than carrying around people who have hurt you on your back. Here’s a precious skill for leading a legendary life: learn to let go. Sounds so very basic and easy to execute yet it’s not. But learning to let go of those who caused you grief and releasing the experiences that no longer serve your rise to amazing is super important if you’re ready to make 2018 your absolute best year yet.
#4. Calibrate Your Vitality
Energy. Stamina. Peak health. The assets of A-Players.
…You can’t rise to legendary if you lose your longevity.
…You won’t lead your industry if you fall sick.
…You aren’t going to produce “masterwork” level output if you’re dead.
…Just saying.
Ok. Hope these ideas are helpful and practical and inspirational for you.
You CAN make 2018 the single greatest year of your life yet. The question really is WILL you?