Latest news comes from Himachal state that the state cabinet decides to uplift the restrictions on travelling. No one will be requiring E-Pass or negative COVID report for entering or exiting the borders of the Himachal Pradesh. In addition, it has been said by Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur that complete plan will be announced in state assembly on Wednesday. Whereas, the inter-state transportation movement will still remain dangling.
The main aim of the move is to raise the inter-state economy and provide benefits to hotel lobby, which were immensely affected by the restrictions and had a severe impact on the tourism. The Manali Hoteliers Association, has priory declared their decisions for resuming their business from October 1. On the other hand, Shimla and Dharamshala are too favoring the decision of state cabinet in giving relaxation to the COVID norms and allow tourists to travel Himachal Pradesh. Whereas, the local-lite are worried after this announcement made by State Cabinet. People those who are planning to visit Himachal Pradesh does not need to register themselves to any e-COVID portal.

A day before, it was informed by Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur, that the Ministry of Affairs is has been putting pressure on remove the restrictions on the Inter State-mobility. Therefore, “There shall be no additional restrictions on movement of the men and goods except those imposed by the MHA,” says a letter written by Union Home secretary. Later or sooner some actions will be taken by the State Cabinet in regards to Inter State- mobility.